MAKE IT A GREAT DAY: Finding “the balance”

It’s a grey and rainy day, here in The Miami Valley. The good thing that is overriding the gloomy weather is that the temperature’s high is to be 67 degrees.

There are so many areas in life where we need to find “the balance.” Right now, my balance concentration is making sure each member of The Quartet feels the same amount of enthusiasm and love as the newest member of the new Fab Five. If I tell Col. Deeds he is loved, I am certain to call out to the others that they, too, are loved. If I pet Col. Deeds, I usually have a hand on another, or more of the Fab Five.

Bringing in a new family member, whether a human or a pet is always like walking the proverbial tightrope. When a new son arrived, I would find ways to connect with the sons already in The Haasienda so they did not feel pushed aside. It is no different with these pooches.

I have a ton of outlining, research plotting, and more editing to complete. On with the day.

Make it a great day!

About Wright Flyer Guy

Darin is a single adoptive father, a teacher, playwright, and musical theatre director from Kettering, Ohio.
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