MY DAY: A restful, delightful Wednesday

What a fun day!

I slept in until 8:00 AM, abandoning my typical 6:45 AM alarm from my early-shift days. I fed the dogs, checked some emails, and returned to bed until 10:00 AM. I rose and grabbed a light snack and continued some research on The Barn Gang of Dayton, Ohio.

At Noon, I caught the tail end of Valerie Gugala’s presentation on the life of Mary Lincoln. I would have caught it all but I thought it was to begin at 11:00 AM CST; it was EST! Still, I enjoyed the final 30 minutes.

I took a nap. Now, I don’t know if it was needed or not, but it felt good.

I watered my front yard flowers before heading next door to Mama Kay’s to head to the Neon Movies to see THE DUKE. Along with Mama Kay and me, we had Janice Moore (married to Laura’s dad, John, Ann Jackson, and Anna Sacksteder. We all loved the movie and our dinner at Kettering’s Archer’s restaurant.

Back home, I secured a PVC frame to the westside of the deck on which I hanged two shower curtains to aid in blocking the blinding sun on some evenings.

I’ve enjoyed the remainder of the evening seated at my familiar spot I’ve enjoyed for so many evenings these past eighteen years.

Several students have contacted me to share the news of shows in which they’ve been cast and several sent videos for me to evaluate as they prepare for auditions and upcoming concerts.

It is now 9:00 PM and the darkness has settled over The Miami Valley with a dark pink glow clinging to the last vestige of this Wednesday. I will probably soon head inside to research from bed and eventually give in to the weighted eyelids that are already nudging me for an early bedtime. I use to work until 1:00 AM; since the start of April, I’ve been hitting the pillows around 10:00 PM or 11:00 PM – some nights, even earlier.

I am attaching some photos I took while Mama Kay was driving through downtown Dayton.

About Wright Flyer Guy

Darin is a single adoptive father, a teacher, playwright, and musical theatre director from Kettering, Ohio.
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